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Disordered Eating

Disordered eating involves behaviors and symptoms similar to eating disorders but with less severity and frequency, often including dieting. Dr. Nicole Cross will be leading an in-person, 12-week, Eating Disorder Skills Group starting on September 20, 2024 open to individuals with disordered eating and body image concerns.

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CBTDenver CBTDenver

Understanding and Treating Emetophobia

Emetophobia is the fear of vomit or vomiting. Many people with emetophobia experience an intense fear of throwing up which can include seeing vomit, being around someone who is vomiting, or vomiting themselves.

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CBTDenver CBTDenver

Leaning in to Slowing Down

Our society rewards productivity, and it is common to push ourselves constantly. The harmful effects of not slowing down can be insidious…

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Big T vs. little t Trauma

When discussing trauma, some people talk about Big T trauma and little t trauma. Here's how they differ and the potential effect they can have on you.

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Promoting Perseverance

Perseverance is the ability to be persistent even when things are difficult, or there is no immediate success—in other words, to keep going. Perseverance can help you reach a meaningful goal, is an important predictor of achievement, and is a way to build self-confidence and a sense of capability.

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CBTDenver CBTDenver

Stretching Distress Tolerance

It is natural to want to avoid unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings and physical sensations, to think of them negatively, or to try to make them go away. For example, if I feel embarrassed, I might think, “I hate feeling this way.” Or, if I feel anxious or am in physical pain, I might think, “This feels awful. I need it to go away.”

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CBTDenver CBTDenver

All-or-Nothing Thinking

All-or-nothing thinking is a typical and common unhelpful thinking pattern that categorizes things into one of two extremes: in other words, all or nothing.

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Anxiety Therapy CBTDenver Anxiety Therapy CBTDenver

What is Cleithrophobia?

Cleithrophobia is the fear or phobia of being trapped. The term comes from the Greek word cleithro which means to shut or close. People with cleithrophobia may feel fear when they are locked in a small space such as a bathroom stall.

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CBTDenver CBTDenver

What is Contamination OCD?

Contamination OCD is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that causes individuals to obsess over the idea of being contaminated, contracting an illness, or the spread of germs.

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Cultivating Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Unconditional self-acceptance and worth are distinct from our abilities, accomplishments, or appearance. Self-acceptance is a practice that includes reframing negative thoughts and practicing personal values. It's a skill you can practice and strengthen over time.

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