Dysthymia, also known as persistent depressive disorder, is a mild but long-term form of depression characterized by a chronic low mood that may persist for years. Adults with dysthymia may experience a depressed mood and sadness but have not experienced a major depressive episode in the first two years of experiencing dysthymic disorder.
When dysthymia starts before age 21, it's called early-onset dysthymia. When it starts after that, it's called late-onset dysthymia.
Dysthymia Symptoms
Dysthymia may affect children and adults alike, though the indicators vary with age and by individual. In adults, depressive symptoms of dysthymia include:
Poor appetite or overeating
Insomnia or hypersomnia
Low energy or fatigue
Low self-esteem
Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
Feelings of hopelessness
In children, dysthymia may occur in conjunction with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disorders, developmental disabilities, anxiety disorders, or other conditions that affect mood or behavior. Examples of dysthymia symptoms in children include:
Behavior problems
Poor school performance
Pessimistic attitude
Poor social skills
Low self-esteem
While it’s normal to occasionally feel sadness or stress, you should seek help if you or your child experiences these symptoms for more than a few months, or if these symptoms begin to interfere with relationships, work or school.
If not treated, dysthymia can may lead to major depression, a severe condition that may be accompanied by suicidal thoughts.
Dysthymia and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for dysthymia, helping individuals identify and correct the thought patterns that trigger depressive thoughts, sad moods, and low self-esteem.
CBT allows you to reduce self-defeating behaviors associated with chronic depression such as negativity, hopelessness and lack of assertiveness by educating you about how the condition affects you and your life. CBT can help you manage depression-related stress and improve your ability to function in work situations, interpersonal settings and social environments.