College Students

Effective Therapy and Support for College Students in Denver and beyond

College Student Challenges

College students, especially those living away from home, have a unique set of stressors.

Common college student difficulties include:

  • time management and organization

  • loneliness and homesickness

  • academic workload

  • alcohol and drug use

  • navigating roommate conflicts

  • managing finances

  • choosing a major and career path

  • insomnia

In addition to these unique challenges, college students with preexisting mental health issues such anxiety and depression may find that their condition worsens with the stressors of college.

Parenting College Students

Parenting college students and young adults, whether they live at home or away from home, presents unique challenges. Parents often worry as their young adult children seek greater independence and navigate the world on their own.

How CBT Can Help

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy that is skills-based and effective for people of all ages and stages of life. CBT for college students can help with time management and scheduling, navigating interpersonal conflicts, and managing greater access to alcohol and drugs. CBT can also help with building social skills and managing the social anxiety that may come with living away from home and being outside one’s comfort zone. Finally, CBT can help with building confidence in new situations and building resilience in the face of challenges.

CBT therapists may act as a coach for students living away from home. Therapists are help teach the skills of effective adulting such as time management, greater financial independence, healthy relationships and how to cope with adversity.

CBT also provides effective tools to help parents manage the anxiety, sadness, frustration and many other emotions that arise from parenting young adults. CBT can help parents to find the balance of supporting vs. allowing independence that characterizes this stage of adulthood.

CBT Denver Services for College Students

Therapists at CBT Denver are PsyPACT licensed and therefore able to provide teletherapy in almost all states in the US. This allows for continuity of care while students are away at school and when back at home over schools breaks and summer.

Therapists also offer consultations for students returning to Denver for school breaks to help with diagnosis and treatment planning for students with emerging mental health struggles.

If you are a college student or parent of a college student seeking help, please contact us to schedule an appointment.

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