Online Video Therapy by CBT Denver
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Associates of Denver (CBT Denver) offers both in person and remote sessions via teletherapy (online video or phone).
What is Teletherapy?
Teletherapy is a service that allows you to talk to your therapist from the comfort of your own home or another private location. We use convenient HIPAA-compliant video-conferencing software or the phone to conduct evidence-based psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a host of other conditions we treat. HIPAA-compliant means that the video platforms have extra layers of protection and encryption to protect your privacy.
Are Video Sessions Effective?
Research shows that teletherapy is an effective modality that will allow you to get the support you need while following social distancing guidelines. We are able to provide services to clients seeking services within the entire state of Colorado as well as all states participating in PsyPACT, so we can hold sessions with clients who live outside of Denver and in other states.
How do I Prepare for Teletherapy?
You will need to be in a quiet, private location
You will need a smartphone or computer with a camera and high speed internet connection
You will need a phone that can be accessed in addition to the computer in case there is an internet disconnection
You will need to let your therapist know where you are located, the name of an emergency contact, and a phone number to use for backup
You will be provided a consent form with more information about teletherapy
Prior to your scheduled session, you will receive an email from your therapist with a link that will connect you to the video session. Click the link and make sure your camera and volume are turned on
It is helpful to turn off notifications and to minimize sounds that could be distracting during the therapy session
It is helpful to not have light behind you to minimize glare. If there is a window behind you the glare may make it hard to see you.
Will I be able to choose in-person sessions in the future?
Absolutely. We value the connection that is developed during in-person therapy sessions. If you start teletherapy sessions you may then choose to come in person.