Group Therapy in Denver
Supportive group therapy that integrates evidenced based treatments, skills, and strategies.
Therapeutic Skills Groups
at CBT Denver
CBT Denver offers skills groups designed to integrate evidence-based treatments, skills, and strategies into a supportive group format.
We offer a variety of group sessions focused on different areas of mental health for both children and adults. These concentrate on cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, cognitive defusion, emotion regulation, relaxation, radical acceptance, and committed action in a respectful, supportive, and professional environment.
While we understand that the concept of therapy groups can be daunting, our team at CBT Denver specializes in this approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Therapies.
Here, the activities participants engage in have all been developed to strengthen problem-solving skills, emotional regulation, and self-confidence.
The group settings at CBT Denver range from a general focus on mindfulness and stress-relieving toolkits for depression, anxiety, and emotional dysregulation, to specialized areas such as eating disorders, insomnia, and tinnitus.
This is a helpful way to connect over shared struggles and to help empower one another to keep moving forward with newly obtained skills and knowledge.
While individual, one-on-one therapy is often the optimal choice for delving deeper into your mental health and matters that concern you, skills groups offer the opportunity to learn valuable tools for change while experiencing the the support and connection of a group setting. Group therapy can also bring you a step closer to one of the most important aspects of the healing process: acceptance.
You are not alone in your journey.
We are aware that, often, the hardest part when it comes to self-care, is showing up. Making the initial call, stepping outside of your comfort zone and into our practice or group sessions, takes courage and willpower. You can trust that this will be abundantly rewarded as you continuously work on the things that are currently holding you back.
The summer and early fall period is a great time to start learning new tools and habits designed to break old patterns that impact you negatively. They can help you navigate day-to-day stressors as you head into a new season of both your year, and your life.
The commitment for these groups ranges from four weeks to sixteen weeks.
If you think you could benefit from CBT Denver’s skills groups, take a look at our current offerings which are open for enrollment now.
Current Groups - now enrolling!
DBT Skills for High School Students starts April 2025
DBT Skills for Middle School Students starts April 2025
Overview: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment that helps individuals live more in the moment, better manage intense emotions, reduce impulsive behavior, and improve their relationships. There are four modules of DBT: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. A fifth module, Walking the Middle Path, was added specifically for adolescents.
Specifically designed for middle and high school students, these DBT skills groups use relatable approaches and creative exercises to teach valuable tools to support students in navigating the challenges of adolescence and beyond. Strategies learned in the group sessions equip participants with the tools needed to find a healthy balance for emotion regulation and healthy relationships.
If you’ve been witnessing behavioral traits that suggest your child might have a hard time coping with distress or emotions in interpersonal relationships, we believe they could benefit from this group. You can learn more about DBT for adolescents by watching this video.
Date/Time: Wednesday evenings for 16 weeks (in person only)
Details/Cost and FAQs
For questions and to enroll, please contact us.
Mindfulness for Stress Management starts Feb 2025
Overview: Staying in the moment rather than allowing our to-do lists to reign over every aspect of our day is definitely the most beneficial approach to our overall wellbeing. It’s not always the easiest though. It’s much easier to get caught up in our stress – unless we know how to center ourselves.
This is an evidence-based 8-week group treatment focused on anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain and many other conditions. These sessions cover mindfulness practices and skill-building, self-compassion, values exploration and planning for behavior change through activities participants can add to their at-home toolkit.
The group is open to individuals with all levels of mindfulness experience. This is a closed group, so please make sure you are able to commit to the full 8 weeks before enrolling. The group will be co-led by CBT Denver externs.
Dates/Times: 12:00-1:30pm on Fridays (in person only)
For questions and to enroll, please contact us.
Additional Groups - not currently enrolling
Eating Disorder Support Group
Overview: Eating disorders affect an estimated 9% of the US population – translating to 28.8 million people. Many go undiagnosed and therefore do not receive the proper treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with an ED, seeking out professional support and guidance is the most important step towards health.
Specialized in therapies for eating disorders and behavioral addictions, our clinical psychologist, Dr. Nicole Cross, provides evidence-based skills, education and support for individuals struggling with eating disorders and body image.
Building on her expertise in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), DBT and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Dr. Cross creates a safe therapy group setting in which varying aspects of these approaches are applied, to then be carried over into everyday life situations.
Date/Time: Friday 12-1:30pm for 12 weeks (in person only)
For questions and to enroll, please contact us.
CBT for Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a ringing – or other continuous sound such as buzzing – that is only perceptible to you; i.e., it has no outside source. This affects everyone differently, but for some it can have a significantly negative impact on their mental health worsening mood symptoms, anxiety, and irritability. This can have a spiral effect. With the lack of good rest and stress management, tinnitus symptoms tend to increase.
In our cognitive behavioral group for tinnitus, we focus on skills and strategies for, not only living with tinnitus, but managing symptoms and thriving. This skills group explores managing mental wellbeing through distress tolerance, mindfulness, and acceptance.
In addition, we examine a common struggle that can accompany tinnitus, namely insomnia. Our group facilitators will cover the basics in sleep structure, sleep hygiene, and some foundational cognitive restructuring and behavioral skills for improved and more restful sleep.
The fee is $550 paid in advance and includes:
Six (6) weekly, 50-minute, teletherapy/closed group sessions
Group handout resources/materials, including therapy exercises
When: Date TBD, Wednesdays at Noon
Contact us to learn more.
Healthier Living: A Toolkit for Stress, Anxiety and Depression
In this skills group, you will be equipped with a toolkit that includes a broad range of strategies that are practical and effective for achieving a more balanced and healthy life. In this calm and respectful environment, participants will learn and practice relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises. These can serve so many areas of your life: from decreasing stress and anxiety, to helping you out of a cycle of depression.
Group members will explore daily structure and value driven action. These skills apply directly to mood, anxiety, and stress reduction. Strategies learned in this group can enhance your individual therapy or stand alone to promote healthier living.
Participants Receive:
Four (4) weekly, 2-hour group sessions
Group handout resources & experiential exercises
Contact us to learn more.
Overcoming Insomnia
Insomnia can be brought on by different factors. It is often linked to mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety or general stress, but can also be caused by hormonal changes such as menopause, for example.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective, evidence-based treatment for chronic insomnia. CBT-I helps to identify and replace thoughts and behaviors that cause or worsen sleep problems with habits that promote sound sleep.
CBT-I has been endorsed by the National Institutes of Health and American Academy of Sleep Medicine as the first-line method for treating insomnia. This group is for individuals with problems falling asleep or waking during the night, and for individuals who wish to reduce or eliminate sleep medications. Participants learn how to change thoughts and behaviors contributing to insomnia through cognitive restructuring, lifestyle habits that improve sleep, and mindfulness/relaxation techniques
The fee is $550 paid in advance and includes:
Six (6) weekly, 75-minute group sessions
Group handout resources/materials, including therapy exercises
When: Date TBD
Contact us to learn more.

Contact us
Fill out the form below to learn more about our groups or to enroll.