Managing Back to School Anxiety for Parents and Kids
Summer is typically a more carefree, less scheduled, and demanding time of year compared to the school year and it can take some time to adjust to being back at school.
Magnification and Minimization: A Cognitive Distortion
Magnification and minimization is a type of cognitive distortion where certain aspects of a situation are exaggerated while other aspects are downplayed or ignored.
The Association Between Body Image and Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety Disorder often overlaps with harshly judging one’s own physical appearance.
High Functioning Anxiety: Causes & Treatment
High-functioning anxiety refers to the experience of appearing confident, organized, and well-functioning on the outside while feeling internally anxious.
What is Cleithrophobia?
Cleithrophobia is the fear or phobia of being trapped. The term comes from the Greek word cleithro which means to shut or close. People with cleithrophobia may feel fear when they are locked in a small space such as a bathroom stall.
Anticipatory Anxiety
Anticipatory anxiety refers to the anxiety you experience when you fear something negative is going to happen. It is anxiety about the future, about what could happen, not what is currently happening.
Helping Your Socially Anxious Child with Back to School
Back to school can bring up anxiety for kids. For children and teens with social anxiety, back to school can be particularly challenging. Social anxiety disorder in kids is characterized by fear of social situations with peers in which they may be judged negatively and in which their peers may notice their anxiety leading to rejection, embarrassment or other negative outcomes.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder
Being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected by others can be unpleasant and hurtful. People with social anxiety disorder experience difficulties in relationship and daily functioning due anxiety that they will be rejected by others.
CBT for Health Anxiety
Health anxiety is anxiety about being seriously ill and may manifest as spending a lot of time looking up medical symptoms on the internet or thinking you have a serious illness, such as cancer, at the first sign of minor physical symptoms such as a scratchy throat or cough. CBT and ACT can help with health anxiety.
Treating Anxiety in Therapy
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. Often, we worry about situations that feel threatening and/or have uncertain outcomes. Evidence-based anxiety management techniques involve changing how we relate to anxious thinking, practicing not avoiding anxiety-provoking situations, and practicing exercises to decrease physical symptoms of anxiety.
What is Task Paralysis?
Have you ever felt helpless in the face of your to-do list and baffled about where to begin or how to tackle it? Task paralysis may cause us to feel overwhelmed, freeze, and do nothing. Here are four ways you can calm yourself in the face of overwhelm, and tackle that to-do list clear-headedly.
Anxiety and New Year’s Resolutions: Setting Helpful Goals That Don’t Exacerbate Anxiety
New Year’s resolutions can create stress and increase anxiety. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), can help you create realistic, values-based, and less anxiety-provoking goals.
Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety
Mindfulness meditation the practice of noticing thoughts, feelings, sensations and urges but not reacting to these experiences. Mindfulness is part of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for anxiety, depression and many other conditions.
CBT for Sports Performance Anxiety
CBT and related skills (such as mindfulness) have been found to enhance athletic performance and reduce performance anxiety. CBT skills can also be helpful when returning to training and competing after an injury, when it is common to experience anxiety.
Anxiety! And How CBT Can Help
Anxiety disorders are the number one issue treated at CBTDenver and all of our therapists are experts in anxiety disorders. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for anxiety involves strategies for the physical, cognitive and emotional aspects of anxiety.
CBT for Social Anxiety
We all have an inner critic inside of us. It (not so helpfully) provides a running commentary of our lives, honing in on any flaws and spinning “what if” scenarios. In the case of social anxiety disorder (SAD), that voice becomes especially loud and convincing before, during, and after social situations. We are told in no uncertain terms that others are judging us.
Re-Entry Anxiety!
As more people get vaccinated, offices re-open, restaurants increase capacity and people start to gather again, there can be mixed feelings. While some may be overjoyed at the opportunities to connect, others may feel anxious at the prospect of getting together face-to-face again.
Riding the Wave
Staying mindful during anxiety-provoking times is incredibly difficult. Using mindfulness skills can help.