Virtual Reality Therapy

A man donning a VR headset, engaged in a virtual reality therapy..

When we speak of virtual reality (VR), you might imagine a person wearing a headset and playing a videogame. Yet, VR can be used in therapy to treat fears and phobias as well. Using virtual simulations of anxiety-provoking situations – such as flying on a plane – VR exposes you to these situations within the safety of a therapy setting.

In VR, you are exposed to a fearful situation via images in a VR headset. For example, if you are fearful of flying, VR might include exposure to waiting at an airport gate, boarding a plane, and sitting on the plane during different parts of a flight (taxi, takeoff, flying, and landing).

Before VR begins, you and your therapist will make a list – also known as exposure hierarchy – of different anxiety-provoking situations related to your fear, and your therapist will gradually guide you through these situations via VR. You might start with the VR exposure of being in a taxi driving to an airport and work your way up to flying with turbulence.

The therapist will work with you regarding the pacing of VR sessions with the ultimate goal of easing and feeling less hindered by anxiety.

The Benefits of Virtual Reality Therapy

One of the benefits of VR therapy is the ability to expose yourself to a fear that may be difficult to access in real life. You may not be able to get on a plane multiple times a week or have easy access to a variety of tall structures or landforms if you are addressing a fear of heights.

Via VR you can be exposed to all of these situations – the type you may feel too anxious to immediately confront in real life. VR can expose you to the situation in a less threatening, paced manner. Thus, VR can be a bridge between therapy and situations in daily life.

Overall, VR creates an immersive experience that allows you to practice exposure. It is an evidence-based therapy technique, within therapy sessions. Exposure therapy is a type of behavioral therapy in which you practice confronting and/or exposing yourself to your fear so that, over time, the situation, activity, or object causes less anxiety. For example, via VR, you may practice standing on a balcony near the top of a tall building to expose yourself to heights.

When you are fearful of something, it is natural to avoid it so you don’t have to experience anxiety. Avoidance temporarily lessens anxiety but increases it in the long run as people get caught in a cycle of anxiety, avoidance, and more anxiety.

VR exposure breaks this cycle by helping you to practice confronting what you fear, learning that you are okay, and that the anxiety eventually decreases. VR helps build a sense of capability and confidence to approach and manage anxiety and ultimately increases your quality of life.

A 2022 review article found that VR improved many types of phobias, including animal phobias and blood and injection phobias. This American Psychological Association (APA) Speaking of Psychology article provides an overview of VR.

VR Therapy at CBT Denver: Book Your In Person or Teletherapy Session

At CBT Denver we offer VR sessions both in person and via teletherapy, depending on your preference, schedule, and what is most convenient for you.

We have been providing VR therapy at CBT Denver for years and continue to be excited by the effectiveness of the treatment and our ability to provide many evidence-based treatments aimed at improving the quality of life of our clients.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about VR.


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